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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

history of musix

               is found in every known culture, past and present, varying widely between times and places. Since all people of the world, including the most isolated tribal groups, have a form of music, it may be concluded that music is likely to have been present in the ancestral population prior to the dispersal of humans around the world. Consequently music may have been in existence for at least 50,000 years and the first music may have been invented in Africa and then evolved to become a fundamental constituent of human life

classic music                                                     

The music of the Classical period is characterized by homophonic texture, or an obvious melody with accompaniment. These new melodies tended to be almost voice-like and singable, allowing composers to actually replace singers as the focus of the music. Instrumental music therefore quickly replacedopera and other sung forms  as the favorite of the musical audience and the epitome of great composition. However, opera did not disappear: during the classical period, several composers began producing operas for the general public in their native languages

Romantic music

In the Romantic period, music became more expressive and emotional, expanding to encompass literature, art, and philosophy. Famous early    Romantic  composers include schumann, chopin, mendelssohnBellini, and berlizo. The late 19th century saw a dramatic expansion in the size of the orchestra, and in the role of concerts as part of urben society. Famous composers from the second half of the century include  tchaikovsky, Verdi, and Wagner.     

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